About Us

Factory of FUJITAKA
1941年の創業当初より株式会社イケテイのプライベートブランドとしてスタートしたFUJITAKAの製品は企画の立ち上げからサンプル作成、革の裁断、スキ、ワリ、縫製、検品、また、鞄にとって大切な販売後のアフターケアであるメンテナンスや修理に至るまで、全ての工程を自社工場で行っております。日本製にしか出来ないハイクオリティーな製品の品質と安心を提供出来る様、真摯に製造に取り組んできた株式会社イケテイの生産部門 であるイケテイプロダクト株式会社で丁寧につくられております。鞄製造工場では珍しい、世界140カ国の基準である【ISO 9001:2008】の認証を取得(2017年9月1日 ISO 9001:2015へ移行)し、確かな技術と高品質な製品、新しいことにチャレンジする開発能力を結集して、世界に誇る日本のものづくりを目指しています。
The planning section, I'S CREATION Co., Ltd., which is located in the same building as IKETEI PRODUCT Co., Ltd., researches Japanese lifestyles and belongings that change depending on the climate, culture, and the trends of the times, and listens to the user's voice and captures the needs of customers and the present trend sensitively, and still always creates a design as well as researching new functions, more comfortable and easy to use. FUJITAKA is the hybrid brand of sensibility of a designer who expresses delicate details and Japanese traditional craftsmanship which is cutting and trimming down which always requires precision of a few millimeters, precise patterns, accurate and beautiful stitches, etc.
IKETEI PRODUCT CO., LTD. and I'S CREATION CO.,LTD. have the role to inherit important Japanese traditional techniques and also has another role as a training institute for craftsmen. We train lots of young talented designers and passionate skilled craftsmen who are full of enthusiasm and love bags, We enthusiastically work on not only planning and producing but also the training of making bags.
FUJITAKA's products, which are carefully hand-crafted with the utmost care in each process, are made by the in-house management of the unwavering teamwork of the trinity, the planning and design department :[I's Creation], the production department : [IKETEI PRODUCT] and the sales department : [IKETEI] in every process from planning design in product development to manufacturing and aftercare. FUJITAKA's products that can be proposed with confidence.
The Company
株式会社 イケテイ
Founded 1941
Established April 30, 1951
Yoichi Ikeda President and Representative Director
Capital 24,000,000 yen
Main sales partners : National famous department stores, specialty stores, etc.
Osaka Headquarters : 2-3-8 Minamikyuhojimachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0058
Tokyo branch : 2-5-1 Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0053
Our Mission
We have been making bags consistently since our founding in 1941 (Showa 16). Seriously face the bag and sincerely face the customer who gets the product.
Our Vision
We believe that having a passion for all processes and doing our best is the true meaning of "manufacturing." Manufacturing is the fundamental enjoyment of human beings. Going forward, planning, manufacturing, and distribution will become a trinity, and all employees will commitment and passion to create products that is truly suitable for leading the life of customers.