
However, due to Carl Freudenberg Group’s unique recipe and finishing process, it is a superb material that you can enjoy over time, while avoiding scratches and strains, but slowly gaining a luster as you use it. It is a series full of beautiful and luxurious forms created by carefully selected materials and craftsmanship, such as the archival model accordion type that represents FUJITAKA and the rocket type that is made with three-dimensional sewing using a special sewing machine.


Waprolux Small Leather Goods

カバンと同素材を使い、繊細な職人技術で仕立てられたスマートな財布・革小物シリーズ。 表面に型押し加工を施したクローム鞣しカーフレザーは、ソフトな感触でありながら独特なコシがあるのが特徴です。型押し加工により傷が付きにくく、発色が良い魅力的な革となっています。

Waprolux Crocodile


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